Sunday, November 8, 2015

My Journey to Health

Auto-Immune Disease, Sarcoidosis, Adrenal Fatigue, Low Blood Pressure/Heart disease, Kidney Disease and Diabetes

Through the Valley of Near Death

This will be another chapter in my direct experience with health issues and the medical establishment.  I have written very briefly about some of these.  I had been “sick” for years and went to various doctors, none of which did much more than try to treat symptoms.  This is why I believe in the holistic approach to medicine. I know it works.

I struggled with uveitis for years (an eye disease, that if left untreated, can be painful and dangerous to the eye). At that time, ophthalmologists had a name for this disease and a genetic marker but could not or would not tell me what caused it.  So I used prednisone eye drops for years and eventually had cataract surgery.  One doctor put me on a very high dose of oral prednisone and talked to me as if I were an idiot when he explained to me how to taper off it.  He started me out on 40 mg!  I felt so awful.  I could not drag myself out of bed.  I wanted to commit suicide.  In the trash it went.

I had terrible problems with my monthly cycle which eventually kept me from working outside the house.  I dreaded the monthly pain and depression.  I think I could take the physical pain better than the emotional pain. One doctor gave me Prozac which at the time was being touted as a miracle drug. I had such great expectations.  Instead, my first and only dose made me shaky, nervous and sick.  I hallucinated while under its effect.  When the doctor asked why I “thought” I had hallucinated, he said that I had merely experienced a bad reaction.   I’ll say it was!  I am not a doctor, just an ignorant patient – but when I see ceiling fans that are turned off look like they are on, or stairs moving like an escalator –  I call those things, hallucinations.

I experienced extreme blood loss on several occasions during peri-menopause.  This can be fatal though I didn't realize it at the time.  Any woman who has experienced severe hemorrhaging will know that I am not exaggerating..  Doctors did not help.  I was stoic and persevered until I was desperate enough to see if yet another doctor might be able to give me relief.  Estrogen was out of the question since I had gone through the breast cancer treatment scenario which included radiation treatments for 6 weeks.  In retrospect, I now believe that I had calcifications that blocked a duct and formed a lump of backed up fluids.
One doctor gave me progesterone but would not test my thyroid (the test ranges were too low back then anyway and may still be).  Progesterone made me feel miserable, and I could not get out of bed. I felt heavy like I was trying to move underwater.  My body felt like rubber with no bones to support it.  After a day or two of that, I quit taking it.

I believe I wrote about the “water blister” on my body that broke one weekend.  Water and some blood spilled from this blister.  Yes, I was scared, but fear never solves anything.  I felt “grit” in this fluid which reminded me of sand.  Curious.  

I would later read that this was once referred to as gravel or sand and is composed of minute particles of calcium and/or oxalic acid.  Guess what? A diet deficient in B6 and magnesium is the underlying cause.  There is more to autoimmune disease, however, and I will write more about that subject.

At that point, I knew that there were oxalate/granulomas/calcifications in my body.  I went to several doctors to see if one would operate and remove them, i.e. a mastectomy.   They would not consider such an operation, but told me over and over, I had cancer!  They told me I had cancer without doing a blood test or any other kind of test.  What kind of science-based, modern medicine is this?
I decided to remove these sharp calcification/oxalate formations  myself but my self-operations only went so deep.  (Much much later, a battery of proper tests would show that I did not have cancer – not even in my bone marrow.)

I learned  something interesting from my self-operations that I want to share. Our lymph system is vital to good health.  There is so much autoimmune disease today because our bodies are exhausted and unable to process any more heavy metals, toxins and pathogens.  This leads to severe inflammation and extremely dirty lymph fluid. The liver, spleen and kidneys must eventually eliminate the inflammation, but if there is too much, the body will be diseased.

The first lymph fluid I saw was a yellow-tan color.  It smelled like plastic!  It smelled of chemicals!  Certainly, doctors must experience this phenomenon daily!

I did not know at the time that we all have some toxins in our body due to our polluted environment.  I did not know how damaging processed foods can be to health.  Trial and error and first-hand experience have taught me these things and much more.

As I began to change my diet – I went on a micro diet for a while – and the lymph fluid began to clear up.  It looked like clear water. I had some relief.  I was not out of the valley, though.  I still had quite a journey ahead of me.  After years of wondering what was wrong with me and my frustration with our health care system, I finally got my diagnosis -- while I was unconscious (after going code blue) in ICU.

Sarcoidosis, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes.  Finally!  Something I could name and research for myself.  

The Climb Back to Health

After two weeks at the hospital, I came home.  They had me on IVs of at least a dozen drugs and they gave me more to take by mouth.   I am not even sure what they all were.  I had survived but I was fatigued and weak for months.  I went to hospitals and labs for more tests.  I did what my doctors told me to do.  I had flu and pneumonia shots.  I took statins, heart meds, Procrit shots, diabetes meds, and went for blood tests 3 times a week, and sometimes I didn’t think I had the strength to walk the length of the hallway to the lab.  Doctors tried several intravenous therapies on me that to lower my blood calcium but they didn't work.  (It was 15 when I first went into the ICU).

I still did not know and was never told I needed magnesium and B6, COQ10, probiotics, or antibiotics of any kind.  I was in a total state of exhaustion for those 6 months but I was alive.
One of the first places I looked for answers about sarcoidosis was on the Team Inspire Sarcoidosis group.  Rather than find answers, I was more confused than ever.  In truth, what I learned there actually kept me from researching holistic health measures.   

The information on Team Inspire is definitely not for the layperson/patient.  I was afraid that natural supplements might further harm my kidneys or make my health conditions worse.  Big Pharma encourages this fear.  The threat of dialysis was always looming in the background.  They say that dialysis is a "life style" change.  

However, we have a choice to make our own lifestyle change and it is one for the better.  Eat healthy.  Exercise. Research. Ask questions and learn.

Into the Light
The bare bones foundation of my poor health?  I was extremely magnesium deficient.  

I got plenty of sunlight whenever I could because I love the outdoors.  Fortunately, I did not take calcium supplements, which were being pushed on women constantly by the media.  However, calcium was added to all kinds of common foods.  Is it any wonder that so many women have sarcoidosis??

I had often “felt” like I had adrenal burnout and my gut instinct proved right.

I was definitely pre-diabetic and may have been diabetic for years though no doctor checked me for this.  A specialist generally would not do this, I guess.  Nor was I referred to a GP or an endocrinologist.  So I went muddling along best as I could for many years.  Quite frankly, insurance or not, I was sick of spending my hard earned money on doctors that were apathetic, uninterested and of no help to me.

But though that door closed, another would be opened in due course.  That is how I accidentally found the Your Health program  with Dr. Richard Becker and his wife, Cindy.  This was a major turning point in my life.

Team Inspire?

Six years later and feeling good, despite the doctors’ inability to answer the many questions I had,  I want to point the way to health and healing to other suffering people.  I went back to Team Inspire to share all I had learned the hard way.  I got as far as two posts and had planned to write so much more.  This is the email I received today at 9:36 am, November 8, 2015.

We have removed your post because you mentioned the Marshall Protocol. We have a community rule in place which specifies that the Marshall Protocol, Mr. Marshall, and/or any of his sites, may not be discussed or referenced in the community.
For more information about this go here: rules/
Thank you,
Well, I have a blog and I know how to use it so I will keep posting what I have learned and discovered along the way.

But first, here are some things I found out about Team Inspire.

The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR)  is a non-profit, EI 36-4378232.  You can read all about them at the link.  Not surprisingly, one of the board members, Craig Lipset, is the head of “Clinical Innovation, Development Operations within Worldwide Research & Development” at Pfizer.  That certainly speaks volumes. 

If that wasn't enough, guess who else is closely affiliated with FSR? MichaelRobert Milken.  Milken is a former American financier and philanthropist. He is noted for his role in the development of the market for high-yield bonds; for his conviction following a guilty plea on felony charges for violating U.S. securities laws, and for his charitable giving.

Be sure and look at this page!

Deep Capture

I could research Milken and FSR for a long time and never dig to the very bottom.  I think the above information is really all we need to know right now.  Follow the money.  Pray for those who are in bondage to the fear and manipulation of our medical system.

This website offers a great deal of good information about autoimmune disease.  These diseases have  reached epidemic proportions.  Big Pharma is profiting off of people's suffering and misery and it HAS to STOP!

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