Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Modern Day Disease Epidemic 101

Autoimmune disease is the third cause of death and sickness in our country, affecting 24 million people.  30% is considered genetic and 70% is due to environmental toxins.  The first sign of autoimmune disease is allergies.  Hundreds of medicines can be toxic and cause the body to turn against itself.  Germs, infections, chemicals and heavy metals (including those in vaccines)  are a few of the main underlying causes of modern day disease.  We all have chemicals in the blood. They are everywhere - in our foods, in our water, in our soil and in the air we breathe.  Poor diet, too much processed foods and leaky gut syndrome also bring on chronic health problems.  

Epigenetics is the study, in the field of genetics, of cellular and physiological phenotypic trait variations that are caused by external or environmental factors that switch genes on and off and affect how cells read genes instead of being caused by changes in the DNA sequence.  It is what changes our molecular biology.

The rise of the megaloviruses  aka cytomegalovirus aka retroviruses
TH-1 (cytokines) and TH-2 (the thioredoxin system)

The body’s white blood cell/macrophages engulf pathogens to stop them from replicating and spreading throughout the body.  However, the pathogens have evolved and they now replicate multiple nuclei within themselves.  (referred to as a metagenome)  These are double stranded viruses and they have hacked our immune systems.  These pathogens are also highly resistant to modern antibiotics.  (L-lysine – destroys double stranded DNA pathogens and can be effective in treating herpes and shingles.)

Researchers have estimated that 60-80 percent of microbial infections in the body are caused by bacteria growing as a collective biofilm. Some external biofilm such as dental plaque can be manually removed. Internal biofilm are more difficult to eradicate. Biofilm bacteria are a part of what is known as the Th1 bacterialpathogens which cause chronic disease. Generally, this is referred to as internal inflammation.

At least 40 types of chronic disease conditions have been defined as autoimmune.

The VDR receptor aka the calcitrol receptor

Most human cells have a Vitamin D (VDR) receptor and these cells do not mature unless Vitamin D is available.  Vitamin D regulates gene expression, appears to be essential for proper immune system function, fights infection including bacterial infections such as colds, tuberculosis and pneumonia.  Vitamin D also reduces the incidence of cancer, and strengthens bone and muscle. Obstruction of VDR receptors prevents the immune system from making key antimicrobials.

As patients accumulate a greater number of the Th1 pathogens, more and more of the chronic bacterial forms create substances capable of disabling and blocking the VDR. This causes a snowball effect, in which the patient becomes increasingly immuno-compromised.

Healthy, balanced gut flora is essential for good holistic health.  It will also help your lymph system rid the body of inflammation.  Take a high quality probiotic supplement daily – and especially after taking antibiotics or eating processed foods.  Gut bacteria directly affect all aspects of your health including your moods and emotions!

Health Notes

I am including some of the health notes I have made over the years.  I won’t always provide links to the information but you can research each one for yourself.  Also search in for scientific papers on each of these.  Should you find anything negative, also research who funded the paper.  As always, you must research any supplement you buy.  Obtain the highest quality you can afford. It will make a difference.  Also learn which foods contain vitamins, nutrients and amino acids that will be beneficial to you. 

Oxidative Stress (think rust) is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.

Metabolic syndrome.  A collection of symptoms that can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

Angina is a lack of oxygen to the hart that causes achiness and tiredness.  Ischemia is also caused by a lack of oxygen.

Omega 3s are needed for soft pliable arteries

Low Thyroid
Low thyroid can cause LDL

Carnitine helps turn fats, lipids and oils into ATP/energy.  This amino acid is made by the kidneys.
carnitine improves injection fraction; reduces heart failure incidence, ischemia and angina.
It limits free radicals in the heart
Activates neuro stem cells
Slows cataract formation
Protects the diabetic kidney

Combine COQ10, carnitine and garlic to reduce heart disease by 75%  (Note: Pharma heart meds inhibit an enzyme necessary for the body to make COQ10)
COQ10 and carnitine convert glucose into ATP (energy)
COQ10 is an antioxidant that prevents LDL oxidation
Combine COQ10 with selenium to prevent cardio myopathy (diseases of the heart)
COQ10 can reduce systolic blood pressure
Use for angina, and mitral valve disease
Take before and after heart surgery
Low COQ10 leads to heart disease risk and will cause depression

One of arginine’s key functions in the body is to convert into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps blood vessels relax and expand, which is important for regulating blood flow. Because of this function, arginine supplements can help treat heart and blood vessel conditions. These conditions include congestive heart failure, chest pain, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction, clogged arteries, and vascular headaches.

Taurine (please do not consume sports drinks that contain caffeine, sugar and too much taurine)
Taurine promotes cardiovascular health, insulin sensitivity, electrolyte balance, hearing function, and immune modulation. In animal research, taurine protected against heart failure

Ginko Biloba
Contains many bioactive molecules.  The leaf has the most medicinal properties.  The tree is disease and insect resistant. 
One 240 mg standardized extract, once a day, will provide all the benefits you need (EGB-761)
This dosage will allow the health benefits to penetrate the blood brain barrier
It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces free radicals and inflammation
It is a neuro modulator
It is a nootropic that improves mental abilities
It is a natural vasodilator and reduces blood thickness
Since Ginko trees survived the Hiroshima fallout, Ginko is used for radiation treatment.

Ribose is a 5-carbon sugar for ATP production.  It is not glucose related and will not raise blood sugar.  It can improve the diastolic rate which is how fast the heart fills with blood.


Need high fiber foods, brightly colored fruits and veggies, exercise a minimum of 30-90 minutes a week
Eat healthy
Alpha Lipolic Acid for cellular energy.  This is the hub for a healthy heart, liver, organs, nerves and eyes.  300-600 mg day
Chromium Picolonate – trace mineral used to lower and process glucose.  200 microgram a day
Glucomannon Fiber.  Drops cholesterol, decreases blood glucose, helps with weight loss
Grape Seed Complex.  Powerful antioxidant, contains polyphenols, speeds up energy burning, regulates DNA
Goji berry is a powerful antioxidant for good vision
Take bioflavonoids
Keep yeast down by using probiotics and eating fermented foods.  Sugar creates yeast in the body.  Olive leaf and oregano oil also help kill yeast
Omega 3’s – fish, krill, flax, DHA and EPA (not just alpha linoleic acid)  There is a 4x risk of heart disease in diabetes
Milk Thistle detoxes the liver and improves glucose levels
Fenugreek can lower blood sugar levels.  Other good supplements to naturally lower blood glucose are St. Johns Worth and 5-HTP (serotonin), cardamom, gymnema sylvestre (gurmar), green tea, cinnamon etc

Grape Seed Complex
Contains polyphenols, isoflavanoids, flavanones and more.  It promotes gene activation.
A great combo is Grape seed, pine bark extract and reservatol.
Good for cardiovascular system and blood vessels, keeping them soft and plaque free
Will eliminate arterial plaque
It is an antifungal, anti-fungal and anti bacterial (toxins, yeast, mycotoxins)
Lowers cholesterol and blood glucose
Fights inflammation, protects capillaries from free radicals
Helps fight the micro vascular disease in diabetics
Speeds metabolism and decreases triglyceride production
Protects from fatty liver
Protects blood vessels and lungs
Causes apoptosis (starvation and death of cancer cells) in a number of cancers
Protects from radiation damage
Boosts mitochondrial function
Helps clear pneumonia from body
Good for the brain nerves and eyes.

Yeast Syndrome  (yeast is a fungus)
Overgrown of intestinal yeast leads to disease and leaky gut syndrome
Just two teaspoons of sugar can drastically affect the immune system because sugar feeds yeast. (Note: sugar and high glycemic carbs also increase triglycerides)
TH1 and TH2 yeast affects the immune cell activation and can lead to autoimmune disease.
Oil of oregano and other natural antibiotics will help regulate yeast overgrowth.

Avoid dietary lectins.  These glycol proteins bind to the intestinal wall.  As they break down, they grow tentacles that penetrate the gut, causing leaky gut syndrome.  Enzymes such as papaya enzymes can help break down foods and keep them moving along.  The number one rule for the best health possible: Do Not Eat “Sticky” Foods.

IgA (immune gobulin) is formed by your organs released in the mouth.  It aids your immune system by reducing histamine and inflammatory cytokine release.  Mast cells release histamines that bring on allergies.  Lactobacillus in the gut fights allergies.  There is a definite connection between low IgA and autoimmune disease.

IgA is necessary for a healthy spleen.  The spleen checks all blood cells, removes and recycles them.  It helps the body fight bacteria.  The spleen also recognizes viruses.  The innate arm of the immune system fights viruses; and the adaptive arm fights bacteria.

Beta glucans will greatly improve the functions of both arms of the immune system.  Research medicinal mushrooms. 

Inosotol (IP6) activates natural killer cells.  It will also penetrate the blood brain barrier, improving immune function inside the brain.

Prednisone – Used for many autoimmune diseases
Prednisone drains magnesium from the body
It drastically lowers vitamin D levels
High cortisol shrinks the brain
Increases blood sugar
Decreases bone and muscle mass
Can harm the eyes and can cause cataracts over time
Steroids lead to fungal infections and become megaloviruses that become anti-fungal resistant.


The eyes need carotenoids, lutein (yellow) and zeaxanthins rather than beta-carotene. The yellow spot in the macula is a natural blue (UV) blocker.  Also take EPA and DHA Omega 3s (Fish oil)
There is a brain- eye connection via the retina.
Alzheimer’s disease will present itself in the back of the eye as will heart issues
The lens of the eye has no blood supply.  Eye oxidation and damage can occur with too much UV light.  Look for a quality pair of sunglasses – one that has a clear image when you move the pair back and forth in front of your eyes.
Vitamin C and Vitamin E are essential for good eye health.
Acetyl Carnosine is a powerful eye antioxidant.
The central point of the retina is the 20/20 point.  It is made up mostly of cones and needs a blood supply.  Buildups in eye can block the nutrient flow and the body will grow vessels around them.
Goji berry is a powerful antioxidant for good vision

Magnesium causes calcium to go into cells.  Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker
A co-dependent of many enzymes
Need it to form ATP from ADP (cellular energy)
It is needed to make the active form of D3
Deficiency = chronic stress
Mag lowers stress, is a sleep aid, is heart-healthy.  Helps with palpatations, headaches , insomnia, depression
If you are very physically active, you need more magnesium
Stops muscle cramps.  Take potassium and magnesium for muscle aches and pains; restless legs
Good for small capillaries
Gets more oxygen to cells, improves utilization of hemoglobin and combats fatigue

If you are magnesium deficient, it will raise Pth and take calcium from the bones.  Magnesium stimulates calcitonin levels that put calcium into the bones.  50% of our bones are magnesium.
The magnesium calcium ratio is 1:1
Take magnesium at night and take D3 separately during the day

Magnesium “ate” is slow released and better absorbed
The “oxide” forms are laxatives
Soak in Epson salts with baking soda to absorb magnesium through the skin


MSM, Condroitron and Glucosamine
MSM – Organic Sulfur
MSM is a natural form of amino sugar and does not raise blood sugar or damage the pancreas
It protects joint surfaces and restores structure and cartilage
Anti-oxidant and reduces inflammation
Slows and halts degenerative joint disease
Improves sleep
Not the same as sulpha drugs
2 grams a day will help with radiating pain in the sciatica
(Noni also relieves pain and decreases inflammation. It is a natural COX inhibitor of NSAID.)
It is obtained from the shells of shellfish so if you are allergic to these, you may not be able to take it)

A chain with nitrogen and sulfur
Aids flexibility and ability to stretch
Good for the cornea of eyes
Out performs fish oil for lowering inflammation
A combo of Chronditon and Glucosamine out performs Celebrex

Big pharma made a $90 million+ industry for arthritis meds
These drugs have many side effects including liver and kidney damage
Over time, they can demineralize the joints

Boswellia (frankincense)
Has been used for over 3,000 years for chronic pain.  It contains terpenes.  Look for % of boswellic acid.  Though it resembles a steroid, it is not.  It calms inflammation, is better than Celebrex and will not deteriorate  your bones like NSAIDs.  Combine with curcumin for more inflammation reduction and pain relief.

Curcumin molecule
It is a bright yellow/orange and is good for the eyes
Anti-tumor, anti oxidant, chelates heavy metals, good for liver, anti viral, anti bacterial, antiseptic
Epigenetic – regulates DNA and auto immune disease
It is fat soluble and will penetrate the blood brain barrier fighting and removing amyloid plaques
Softens arteries
It turns on the positive benefits of the thyroidoxin system
Can bring about apoptosis

Most of these supplements are beneficial to your entire health and they can be placed in numerous categories for various health issues.  This is just some very basic information that may inspire you to find out more.  Obviously, there are multitudes of wonderful supplements that can help you with your own health issues.  I’ll add just a few more that I keep on hand.

Contains  saponins, steroidals alkaloids and others
Mimics our hormones but is not a steroid
Used for stress and anxiety
Adaptogen that helps our bodies keep cortisol levels level ad normal
Helps with insomnia and depression – increases Gaba signaling
Is a neuro regenerative and protects the nerves
Anti oxidant, antibiotic, anti arthritic, anti-tumor, lowers cholesterol
Natural blood thinner
(note: adrenal burnout actually lowers cortisol which increases stress.  Take vitamin C.  The highest concentration of Vitamin C is in the adrenal glands)

Is an antioxidant and flavonoid complex
Helps with heartburn and acid reflux
Helps rid the body of all types of inflammation
Enhances glutathione production
Protein synthesis increased
Chelates heavy metals
Keeps the liver healthy and detoxed
The liver affects overall health
The liver can heal, repair and regenerate itsleve over time
Fatigue is a factor of liver disease
All intestinal blood goes through the liver, so keep your diet clean
Helps with diabetes management.  Alcohol and sugar impair the liver.

Purity is essential.  Purchase a certified organic, quality controlled spirulina
Contains B vitamins, proteins, omega 3s, tryptophan, all B vitamins, the carotenoids (C, E, A), all essential amino acids (less than eggs bur more than beans)
7% is essential fatty acids/lipids EPA and DHA
GLA = Omega 6 that will convert to Omega 3
Contains zeaxanthins, polyphenols, magnesium, vitamin K, call macro and micro minerals
It is a nutrient dense food and 60-70% protein
Lowers cholesterol levels and triglycerides
Improves immune response
Helps protect the liver
It contains tryptophan which is needed to reduce LDL.  Take with B6.

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