Saturday, December 12, 2015

A nutrient and supplement list

I made this list of nutrients and supplements that I have found useful.  This is a very basic list and far from inclusive.  It will demonstrate all of the great medicine we have available to us on our journey back to health.   This is a guide only.  Do your own research to find what works for you.  I take some of these supplements on a daily basis (COQ10, Alpha lipolic acid, magnesium, B complex) while others I take as needed - sometimes 2 or 3 times a week, or weekly etc etc 


How & Why


ABM mushroom
Mushroom of Life.  South America.  Beta glucans.  Fights cancers, helps diabetics.

Superfruit from the Brazilian Palm.  16 amino acids, Omega 9.  Oleic acid (like olive), flavonoids, olyphenols, antioxidants.  1000+ OARC (very strong antioxidant)  Destroys lipopolysaccharides (inflammation)

Regulate immune system.  Ginseng, astragulus, licorice root, maitake, shitake, reishi
Some sources say not to take astragulus with prednisone or other cortosteroids.
Helps metabolize sugars and organic acids.  Provides energy for muscles, brain and CNS.  Strengthens the immune system by producing antibodies.
Fish, meat, poultry
Alpha Lipolic Acid
Provides cellular energy.  Lowers blood glucose and can reverse neuropathy.  Removes metals from brain and body.  Overall chelator and potent anti-oxidant. Take with L-carnitine
Yeast, liver, broccoli, spinach, potatoes
Toxic. More likely to accumulate in brains of people that are magnesium deficient
Soy is high in aluminum  MSG increases its absorption.  Black tea is high in aluminum, green tea is less – very little in white tea.  Used as an emulsifier in processed food.  Found in sliced cheese, coffee creamer
Amino Acids
Building blocks of the body.  Builds cells, repairs tissue.  Make antibodies.  Part of enzyme and hormonal system.  Build nucleoproteins (RNA and DNA).  Carry oxygen thru body.
Amino Acids, Branched Chain
The body does not make these.  Valine – mental vigor, calm emotions, muscle coordination.  Leucine and Isoleucine – stimulants to upper brain/alertness.  Used for energy production

Amylase, protease and lipase
Enzymes that turn starches into sugars.  Other enzymes turn these sugars into glucose
Fruits, veggies, fermented foods – all healthy food
Powerful bioflavanoid antioxidants.
Red and black raspberries.  All berries, bananas, asparagus, eggplant, red and purple cabbage, black beans, kidney beans
Apple Cider Vinegar

Nightshade family.  Contains withanolides (steroidal lactones), alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, aminos.  Reduces anxiety, depression and stress, stabilizes blood sugar, lowers cholesterol.

Aspartic Acid
Expulsion of ammonia from the body.  Ammonia is highly toxic and harmful to the CNS.  Aspartic Acid may increase resistance to fatigue and increase endurance  (soy is high in it but good luck finding a clean source of it).  Fish, turkey,  kelp, egg whites,
Terpene and keto-cartenoid.
Microalgae, salmon, shrimp, shell fish (the red color)

Astragalus/Huang Qi
Adaptogen. Increases T cells, macrophages, antibodies.  Inhibits Virus replication.  Improves lung functions, heart function and circulation.  Contains saponins – like digitalis.  Basal Dilatory.  May lower blood sugar.  Builds stamina.

B Complex
Important for overall health.  Water soluble.  Take daily! Aids in CA and Mag absorption.  Maintains nerve functions.
Thiamine.  Diabetics need 10-15% more.  Contains Sulfur.  Reduces pyruvate Pyruvate is a naturally occurring substance in the human body.  It controls a person's metabolic rate and is produced in the liver.  The more pyruvate a person can produce, the more fat they will burn daily. The substance is the byproduct of glucose (a six carbon molecule)

Cobalamin.  Aids in formation of red blood cells, utilization of iron, synthesis of protein, metabolization of carbs and fats, protects nerves

Pangamic acid.  Regulates fat metabolism.  Stimulates glandular and nervous systems.  Lowers blood cholesterol.  Increases cellular oxygen

Riboflavin.  Red blood production.  Metabolization of all foods

Niacinamide.  Metabolism.  Antioxidant

B-5 Pantothenic
Anti stress.  Helps convert fats, carbs and proteins into energy

Pyridoxine HCL.  Diuretic – balances sodium and potassium.  Healthy nervous system.  Synthesis of RNA and DNA.  Improves immune system

Bee  Pollen
Antimicrobial.  Bee pollen is more rich in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body.

Bee Pollen/Royal Jelly
Bee propolis kills fungus.  Royal jelly increases energy

Found in Goldenseal,  Berberine extracts and decoctions have demonstrated antimicrobial activity against a variety of organisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminths, and chlamydia. Berberine may be helpful in maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels in those with type 2 diabetes.

Beta Carotene Vit A
For white blood cell production. Retinol acetate and retinol palmitate. Egyptians used it to counter nigh blindness.  Helps form white cells.  Produces hemoglobin (protein for blood)  Removes cloudiness in eye.
Abundant in liver. Cod liver oil.  Healthy oils.  Eggs, milk, butter, sweet potato.  Carrots which also contain falcarinol.
Beta Glucans  Medicinal Mushrooms
Contain beta glucans which stimulate the macrophages that release cytokines.  Stimulate white blood cells (killer cells)
Brewer’s yeast, mushrooms, and cereal grains, like barley, oats, rye, and wheat.
Antioxidants that can chelate metals from the body. Promote circulation, lower cholesterol, prevent cataracts, strengthens capillaries.  Rutin (for pain and bruises), hesperidin (cataracts) are but two of them.
The color producing pigments in plants.
Vitamin H.  Aids in cell grown.  Utilization of carbs, fats, proteins.  Helps relieve muscle pain.
Chicken, eggs, nuts, carrots, milk, onions, cucumbers, cauliflower, berries, fruit
Bitter Melon
Lowers blood sugar.  Fights cancer

Black Cumin Seed
Nigella – love in a mist seeds.  A carminative. lack cumin, especially when combined with garlic, is regarded as a harmonizer of the imbalance which allows immune cells to destroy healthy cells. The technical language to describe this property is "immunomodulatory action." The difference between black cumin and interferon is that there are no known side effects with black cumin when administered in normal dosages.
Borage Oil
When consumed, much of the gamma-linoleic acid in borage oil is converted to dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid. Like the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil and flaxseed, gamma-linoleic acid and dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid are known to fight inflammation. However, both substances are classified as omega-6 fatty acids.

Assists the body in proper assimilation of calcium and mag.  Essential in property endocrine function.
Chickpeas, almonds, beans, vegetables, bananas, walnuts, avocado, broccoli, prunes, oranges, red grapes, apples, raisins, pears, and many other beans and legumes.  (Dairy is a main source as well)
Ancient healers used this herb to treat conditions like rheumatism, diabetes, fevers, cardiovascular disorders and asthma. A more modern use of boswellia is for treating inflammation. The boswellic acid that comes from the tree’s resin and sap acts as a 5-LOX (5-lipoxygenase) inhibitor and is used to treat rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, asthma, menstrual cramps and inflammatory bowel disease. Also promotes faster wound healing as it possesses antibiotic and antiseptic properties. It is often used to support healthy respiratory function

C Vitamin
Strengthens capillaries.  Fights free radicals.  Prevents cataracts.  Can enter the blood brain barrier.  Detoxifier – heavy metals, poisons. Take daily
Fruits,  Papayas contains folacin (folic acid)
Active component of chili peppers.  Used to relieve aches and pains. Crushed and mixed with water – used as garden pest repellant.
Chili peppers and jalapenos
Lowers blood sugar.  Ginger family.  Grains Of Paradise, Ela (in Sanskrit) and elachi or elaichi (in India). Detoxifies the body
• Cleanses kidneys and bladder. • Stimulates digestive system
• Aids in expectorant action, Improves circulation• Antispasmodic
• Counteracts excess stomach acidity• Stimulates appetite

Powerful antioxidant. Glycation is the uncontrolled reaction of sugars with proteins. It's kind of like what happens to sugars when you heat them and they caramelize. In effect, glycation is what happens when excess sugars and/or alcohols caramelize the proteins in your body. It's a major factor in the aging process -- and it's particularly devastating to diabetics.  (many substandard supplements on market)
Bone Broth.  Fish, poultry, meat
Enzyme and Antioxidant.  Converts hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water which the body can use.  Also Peroxidase: A detoxifying enzyme that eliminates hydrogen peroxide and is one of the body’s natural anti-oxidant enzymes. Protects the aqueous membrane of cells.  S.O.D. Catalase: uperoxide Dismutase (SOD)
A high potency antioxidant enzyme, which detoxifies the superoxide anion and is, thought to present the first line of defense against free radical damage in red blood cells and highly effective in limiting radiation damage.
Potatoes, liver, carrots, garlic, cruciferous veggies, apricots, avocados, carrots, cherries, cucumbers, parsnips, radishes, spinach and zucchini.
Relaxant/sleep aid.  Active ingredient in chamomile essential oil is known as bisabolol, which has a number of anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties.

Chia Seed
Fiber.  High in calcium.  Fiber
Put in smoothies, refrigerate overnight.  Will give tapioca like texture.
Chlorella, cracked
Heavy metal chelator. (also removes fluoride)  Cleanses bloodstream, protects from radiation

We need acetylcholine (ACh -neurotransmitter) but must inhibit acetylcholine sterase (nerve agents, pesticides, toxins).  Ach breakdown = homocysteine – a nasty free radical.  But Choline removes it.  Helps prevent fatty liver.  Maintains cell  membranes.  Lessens inflammation. Take with B5
Egg Yolks, meat, fish, dairy, cranberries, raisins, avocados, raspberries, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, tomatoes
Chromium Picolonate
Lower blood sugar.  Lowers triglycerides.  Take with B vitamins
Onions, tomatoes, oysters, whole grains, bran, potatoes
Cilantro extract
Remove toxic metals from the brain and spinal cord.

Polyphenol.  Combats glycation from too much sugar.  Can lower blood sugar and triglyceride levels.
Add to toast, oatmeal – all kinds of dishes.
Citrus fruit
Grapefruit, oranges etc contain monoterpenes.  Sweep carcinogens from body.  Also contains vitamin C, beta-carotene and folic acid.  Lemons and oranges contain limonene that stimulates cancer-killing immune cells.

Coconut Oil
The naturally occurring saturated fat found in coconut oil has some spectacular health benefits such as promoting heart health, weight loss, immune system health, thyroid function and more. Half of the fat content in coconut oil is lauric acid—a fat rarely found in nature—that could easily qualify as a "miracle" ingredient because of its unique health-promoting properties. (medium chain fatty acid) Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties.
Use in salad dressing, cooking, sautéed dishes.  Moisturizes skin, hair and nails.  Use coconut milk in smoothies, ice cream recipes etc
ATP production.  Turns glucose into energy.  Reduces LDL oxidation. Keeps arteries soft and pliable.  Boosts immune function.  Reduces formation of amyloid plaque.  Reduces insulin resistance. Protects from glaucoma.  Strengthens  8th cranial nerve (hearing).  Take with oil/fat foods and L-Carnitine

Cordyceps Sinensis
Energy and stamina.  Enhances production of ATP that drives cellular energy.  Turns on immune system and macrophages.  Anti-inflammatory and analgesic that equals steroids.  Increases HDL, lowers proteinuria, NFKB, cholesterol.  Increases oxygen.  Improves red cell development (hemoglobin) in kidneys

Shrinks the thymus gland – a key immune regulator in the body.  Thymus is removed during open heart surgery.  Cortisol inhibits white blood cell production and activity.  Stress inhibits production of natural killer cells (NK cells) as much as 50%.


Cruciferous Complex
Sulfur rich foods
Broccoli, kale, cabbage & cauliflower (also contain indole-3-carbinol, a nitrogen compound) Dark green veggies that also contain lutein and zeaxanthin.  Sulforaphane – especially broccoli sprouts. Gives it the bitter taste.
Polyphenol. Turmeric is derived from the rhizomes (underground stems) of the plant Curcuma longa, a member of the ginger family. It is responsible for the yellow color of Indian curry and American mustard. Curcumin, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is the most active constituent of turmeric.

Cystine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that helps form healthy skin, hair, bones, and connective tissue. It is also required to make glutathione, one of the natural antioxidants that fight free-radical damage (glutathione detoxifies the liver).

A steroid.  Calcitriol Take in morning. It temporarily pauses melatonin production.  Use 25-hydroxy-vit D test NOT 1,25-dihydroxy D.  D regulates thyroid function.  Must be balanced with calcium, K2 and magnesium
Sunlight (not radiation or sun filtered through chemtrails!)
Contains a balanced mineral profile.  Contains sodium and potassium.  Contains inulin and mucilage which absorb toxins from food.  Helps regulate intestinal bacteria

Sodium dichloroacetate restores apoptosis (death of cancer cells)

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that comes from the adrenal gland. It is also made in the brain. DHEA leads to the production of androgens and estrogens (male and female sex hormones). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30. Levels decrease more quickly in women. Lower DHEA levels are found in people with hormonal disorders, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, inflammation, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Corticosteroids, birth control taken by mouth, and agents that treat psychiatric disorders may reduce DHEA levels.
Tends to increase androgens more than estrogens?
Dimethylglycine increases oxygen utilization in cells

Dusty Miller (Cineraria Maritina. 
Dissolves cataracts (need more research – maybe

Echinecea Goldenseal
Helps fight colds and flus, relief from allergies. Also reventing fungal infections and as a cure for urinary tract infections, migraines and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Possible uses for goldenseal include UTI, hemorrhoids, stomach pain, gastrointestinal ulcers and colitis.
Echinacea contains chemicals that reduce inflammation and destroy the cells that cause fungal infections. The chemical berberine found in goldenseal fights E.coli bacteria that cause infections of the digestive and urinary tracts.  (berberine can lower blood sugar)
Note:  These can have side effects with certain medications – so check that out.
Synthetic amino acid related to vinegar.  Removes unwanted minerals and metals from blood.  Heavy metal chelator (including mercury)

Alternative Names: Aeldrum ,Black Elder, Boor Tree, Bountry, Elder, Ellanwood, Ellhorn, European Elder, and German Elder. Holds many minerals & vitamins , particularly vitamin B17. Its flower accommodate three very good sources of potassium plus viburnic acid (beneficial for asthma an bronchitis), vitamin A, vitamin C, volatile oils and bioflavonoids. Ripened elderberries can be used like some other berries in fruit pies, muffins, and jams. Elderberry helps to boost and maintain the immune & respiratory systems. Elderberry may be used to cure colds and flu.

Evening Primrose Oil
Contains the pain relieving compound phenylalanine.  Contains a high concentration of a fatty acid called GLA. Can lessen joint pain. Can reverse diabetic neuropathy

Carotenoid and zeaxanthin.  Also lutein and bilberry – good for eyes

Helps control glucose

Reduce triglycerides (25-50 grams a day). Seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin, potassium, and diosgenin (which is a compound that has properties similar to estrogen). Other active constituents in fenugreek are alkaloids, lysine and L-tryptophan, as well as steroidal saponins (diosgenin, yamogenin, tigogenin, and neotigogenin).   

For migraines and headaches.  Kills malignant stem cells.

A polyphenol that boosts glutathione and dissolves amyloid plaques
50 mg dose = 37 strawberries
Folic Acid
Vitamin M.  Energy production and formation of red blood cells. Strengthens immune system.  Helps with depression and anxiety.
Papayas. Folate is the bioavailable, natural form of vitamin B9 found in a variety of plant and animal foods. Folic acid, while readily utilized by the body, is the synthetic form of the vitamin, often found in supplements and fortified foods. The body is more adept at using folate and will regulate healthy levels by releasing excess through the urine.  Dark leafy greens, asparagus, fruits, beans, seeds & nuts, squash…
Fo-Ti (TCM)
Elixir of Life.  Ho Shou Wu.  Stimulates kidneys, detoxifies liver and blood, increases stamina

Free Radicals that are Dangerous

Garlic Oil
Reduces triglycerides.
Allium compounds.  Diallyl sulfide.  (also onions, leeks and chives)
Fortifies immune system.  Improves cellular oxygenation.  Helps eliminate toxins and poisons

Ginko Biloba
Vasodilator.  Extract is called EGB761. 22-27% flavonoid glycosides; 5-7% terpenine lactones, 3% bilobacides.  Inhibits platelet activation, improves circulation, reduces inflammation, modulates neurotransmitters.  Reduces free radicals, protects brain, protects from radiation, helps eyes, helps balance, nootropic, reduces beta-amyloid plaque in brain, helps decrease stenosis in legs. Better than Plavix.   Reduces glutamate overload and excite-toxicity

Fiber.  Delays release of sugars.  Helps liver.  Reduces cholesterol.
Glutamate (MSG)
Increases aluminum absorption.  AVOID

Healthy intestinal tract.  Helps body produce glutathione – key antioxidant nutrient.  Maintains muscle mass.  Helps battle frequent colds and flus.
Cabbage, beets, meat, beans, dairy
Glutathione or Glutamic acid
Can cross the blood-brain barrier and remove toxic metals from brain.  Powerful free radical scavenger and antioxidant.
When vitamin C or E “scavenge” a free radical and supply the missing oxygen electron to it they in turn become a free radical, capable of causing lesser damage.

Glutathione is found primarily in fresh, raw foods - vegetables, fruit, meat and milk
Glutathione is called the Master Antioxidant because it functions to return to active duty those vitamin C and E molecules that have scavenged a free radical. Foods and herb high in glutathione or those that boost glutathione include:
fresh and frozen fruits (blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon); garlic and onions; meat (fresh), fish and poultry
milk thistle; vegetables (avocado, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, collards, cauliflower, kale and watercress); nuts (brazil nuts and walnuts); spices (cardamon, cinnamon and turmeric); whey protein concentrate
Cofactors (a contributing factor; a substance, especially a coenzyme or a metal  that must be present for an enzyme to function) include Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 (in the form methylcobalim), Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Folate (folic acid) and Selenium.
To boost the body’s production of Glutathione you can increase your consumption of foods containing selenium such as Brazil nuts, button, Reishi and shiitake mushrooms, tuna, shrimp and salmon. Supplements and herbs known to increase glutathione levels include  N Acetyl Cysteine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, bilberry, grape extract, lipoic acid, melatonin, pine bark extract (pycnogenol), turmeric, vitamin C, bioactive whey protein and the herb milk thistle.
Helps trigger release of oxygen to the energy requiring cell making process.  Important in manufacturing hormones necessary for strong immune system

Antioxidant.  Improves mood, energy, focus.  11 minerals, 18 amino acids, beta and alpha carotenes, glycol proteins, helps process glycogens, reduces LDL and triglycerides.  Helps protect eye.  Contains beta glucans and vast arrange of carotenoids

Tones mucous membraness.  Ease gastric disturbance.  Natural antibiotic.  Contains berbine

Grape Seed Extract/Resveratrol
Antioxidant.  Can reverse pre-diabetes.  Reverses blood vessel damage in diabetics. Stimulate immune response.  Contains ellagic acid that blocks enzymes required by cancer cells.  50x more potent than Vitamin E and 20x more potent than Vitamin C

Sour Sop.  Cancer fighter

Green Tea
Contains catechins – a bioflavanoid.  Antioxidant.  Can lower triglycerides.

Reduces triglyceride levels.  Increases HDL.  Is an antioxidant

Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp Seed Oil is a complete protein, containing the minerals calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. It provides all of the amino acids and all nine essential amino acids. It also provides vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, and E, as well as chlorophyll, carotene, phytosterols and phospholipids.

Acts as an ACE inhibitor for high blood pressure.  Often taken as tea.

Abundant in hemoglobin.  Deficiency can cause poor hearing.  Used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, allergic diseases, ulcers and anemia.

Holy Basil
Relaxant/sleep aid.  Also an adaptagen.  Aka Tulsi

Hydrozine Sulphate
Blocks liver enzyme that converts lactic acid back into glucose
Iodine for thyroid health.  Thyroid concentrates in glands and adrenals. Use unrefined salt with minerals
See halites, fluoride, bromine and heavy metal detox.
IP-6 Inosotol
Fiber.  A B vitamin and phosphor lipid (Pos) that increases natural killer cell activity. Fights viruses and tumors.  Apoptosis in a large variety of cancer cells.  (pancreatic, melanoma, skin, breast, colon, lung, liver, prostate.  Can de-calcify heart valve.

The same osteocalcin protein that vitamin K2 activates also triggers the activation of another protein called matrix GLA protein (MGP), which is responsible for removing excess calcium that can accumulate in soft tissues such as arteries and veins.
The ideal way to obtain dietary vitamin K2 is to eat meat, especially organ meat (mainly liver), chicken, beef, bacon, and ham. Egg yolks, but not egg whites, also provide valuable amounts of this fat-soluble nutrient as do high-fat dairy products, particularly hard cheeses made with whole milk.
Natto is the only vegetarian source of vitamin K2 because of a specific strain of bacteria used in its fermentation process. It should be noted that although intestinal bacterial synthesis is possible, it doesn’t appear to be sufficient in preventing vitamin K2 deficiency in most people.

For thyroid health.  Contains a whole host of vital nutrients including; high amounts of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium and particularly iodine. This sea vegetable also contains bromine, boron, protein, sodium salts, alginates, alginic acid, essential fatty acids, nitrogen, selenium, zinc, laminarin, vitamin C and B-vitamins.
Kelp contains high levels of iodine.

Immune response to bacteria, viruses and tumor cells.  Promotes wound healing and regeneration of liver. Helps release growth hormones.  Crucial to muscle growth and tissue repair.
Seeds, shellfish, spinach, meat
Relaxant.  Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which can be used to help heal minor burns and bug bites. Research has revealed that the essential oil of lavender may be useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. 

Lowers triglycerides.   Increases HDLBreaks down lipids – removes through liver. Turns fat into energy.  Swollen carotid can be due to systemic poisons
Red meat, seafood, chicken, dairy.
Protects liver and brain from toxins.  A heavy metal chelator.  Potent sulfhydryl antioxidant.  Improves cholesterol ratios

Enzyme that helps breakdown and digest fat in body and arteries

Kills double stranded viruses.  Detoxifies heavy metals.  Aids in fat metabolism.  Repairs arteriosclerotic blood vessels. Insures absorption of calcium.

Removes heavy metals,  Protects from radiation.  Sulfur containing amino.  Assists in breakdown of fat.

Antioxidant that attacks free roaming oxygen molecules (free radicals)
Nourishes pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal.  Emotional balance.

See Dr. Carolyn Dean.  Magnesium = motion; Calcium = concrete.  Stress consumes mag. A vaso dilator.  A cofactor in over 350 metabolic processes in the body.  Many pharmaceuticals deplete mag.
Almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, peanuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, pistachios, millet, wild rice, oatmeal, beans, fish, fruit (everything that is good for you)
Magnesium citramate
Eliminates aluminum & mercury.  It is a combo of citrate and malate.

Mineral for healthy immune and nervous system, regulation of blood sugar and energy production
Cloves, saffron, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, dry spearmint, parsley, bay leaf, tarragon, turmeric, coriander, marjoram, Wheat germ and bran (all grains), nuts, shellfish, cocoa, pumpkin and squash seeds, flax, sesame seeds, chili powder, sunflower seeds
Zeazanthin.  Pancreas helps digest meat and mangosteen helps the pancreas do this.  Reduces heart muscle damage.  Reduces beta amyloids, Antibiotic, anti fungal and anti viral.  Good for dental care

Medicinal Mushroom
Adaptagens.  Contain beta glucans.  Immune modulation and activation.  Turns on macrophages and white blood cells.  Calms down autoimmune response.  Stimulates bone marrow.  Lowers cholesterol. Contain element germanium that increases oxygen efficiency.  Contain lysine, tryptophan, riboflavin (B2), B5, B, C, K, terpenes and steroids
Oats and wheat.  Plants
Milk Thistle
For liver health and detox.  Repairs damage due to fatty liver and alcoholism.. 

Mitake mushroom
DancingMushroom.  Lowers, improves glucose levels in diabetics.  Lowers triglycerides.  Fights colds and flu

MK-7  MK4 and MK7 have both repeatedly been shown to help prevent and treat a wide variety of afflictions that plague Americans: osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, and arthritis. Our bodies can synthesize MK4 from K1, which is easy to get from many plants; MK7, however, is more difficult to come by, and far more effective at battling the aforementioned afflictions.
MK7 appears to be available from two major sources: either you eat animal livers, or, perhaps more appetizingly, you eat the beneficial bacteria of fermented foods such as natto.

Nitrogen metabolism.  Cell function.
Legumes such as beans, lentils and peas as well cereals and leafy vegetables are considered good sources of molybdenum. Liver is also a good source
N-Acetyl Cysteine.  Primary component in production of glutathione that is produced and released by the liver.  Helps fortify cellular enzymes like SOD and catalase.

K2/sulfur.  Nattokinase got its name from a Japanese food called Natto. In the Japanese tradition, Natto refers to the food made of boiled soybean that is fermented with certain bacteria. Nattokinase enzymes are produced during this food preparation. These enzymes are also called Nattozimes.  They can be used to cure blood related disorders and also minimizes the chances of developing heart related diseases.

Constipation of upper intestine – common in diabetics

Oil of Oregano
Yeast feeds on sugar.  This treats and lowers/eliminates yeast and other unhealthy fungi.  A natural antibiotic..

Olive Leaf
Polyphenols, oleoropin.  Powerful antioxidant.  Inhibits growth of every virus, protozoa, pathogen.  Kills salmonella in salad.  Antibiotic – flus, staph, URI, pneumonia, etc etc.  Used in cattle feed silage to kill fungus.  Anti-oxidant.  Absorbed into cells.  Prevents oxidation of cholesterol plaque in arteries and heart.  Will protect the kidneys from gentamycin.  Protects pancreas and against stroke.  Increases glutathione.  Heals ulcers, increases the body’s natural anti-oxidant apparatus.  Reduces auto immune response leading to type I diabetes.  Passes blood brain barrier.  Relieves arthritis pain.  Inhibits cancer cells.  Protect liver cells.  Liver cancer is related to mycotoxins/fungus.  Can lower A1C and prevent sugar spikes.  Helps produce interluken6.  Inhibits nerve damage.  Chelates heavy metals.  Protects against ultra violet damage.  Inhibits uric acid that leads to gout.  Kills intestinal yeast.  Lowers plasma glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides
Also olive oil
Omega 3s
Increases telomere length and cell life.  Softer, more flexible arteries.
DHA – fish
EFA – primrose oil (linoleic and gamma-lonolenic acids)
Hemp Seed Oil - 3:1 ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids
Spirulina contains DHA and EPA. Flax (lignans)   Flax seed is short chain Omega 3  Fish oil is long chain Omega 3
P-450 cytochrome enzymes
Hemoproteins. Grapefruit juice blocks some of them.  Many found in liver.  Help the body detox.  Pharma drugs can block

Passion Flower
Relaxant/sleep aid

Phosphate (PO4)
The body will conserve calcium.  The skin manufactures D3 from a cholesterol derivative from solar ultraviolet radiation.  D3 is hydroxylated by the liver into 25-OH-D3.  The kidney will hydroxylate the 25-OH-D3 into 1,25 (OH)2.  D3 conserves calcium by absorbing CA and phosphate in the small intestine and decrease excretion in the urine.  A high phosphate diet depressing 1,25 (OH)2 D3.  Calcitonin (CT) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) act with calcium.  PTH favors cellular uptake of calcium by soft tissues; CT puts it into bones.  Magnesium suppresses PTH and stimulates CT (while removing it from soft tissues)
Egg yolks, Milk, Nuts, Wheat germ, Peas, Beans, Lentils, Corn, mushrooms, Oats, Cocoa beans, (chocolate), Sweet breads - liver, brains, kidneys.  Also found in many unhealthy processed foods and soda pop
Helps body absorb vitamins.  Converts food to energy.  Blood clotting, heart rhythm.
Pumpkin seeds, cheese, fish, scallops, brazil nuts, beans, lentils, yogurt
Kill H-pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers

Polyphenols (catechins) – Antioxidants
Carotenoids. Bioflavanoids.  They attach to carb molecules, neutralize free radicals.
Brightly colored fruits and veggies.  Green tea, olive oil.

Phospho Lipd.  Lipids found in the brain.  Supports spinal dendrite activity to brain.  Strengthens dendritic connections and maintains acetylcholine levels.  Normalizes cortisol.  Improves memory
Meat, Fish, White Beans.  Inositol is a phosphor lipid
Lowers blood pressure.  Vital in muscle contraction nerve conduction and beating of heart
Dark leafy grains, tomatoes, carrots, molasses, cruciferous veggies, shitake mushroom, yams, limas, beans, peas, squash
Potassium Gluconate
Stable blood pressure, regulation of nutrient transfer through cells.  Works with sodium to control water balance.  Healthy nervous system.  For adrenal fatigue take potassium, vitamin C and ¼ tsp of mineralized salt.  (vitamin supplements or foods)
Potassium rich foods:   Bananas, papayas, fruits other than citrus fruits, generally
Prednisone, Coricosteroid
Increases “cortisol” which increases calcium excretion.  It also increases potassium loss and decreases Magnesium and B6.  Decreases Vitamin A and suppresses immune system.

Primrose Oil
High concentration of a fatty acid called GLA and it is this fatty acid that is largely responsible for the remarkable healing properties of the plant.  Skin health.  Good for joint pains (RA), prevents diabetic neuropathy

Daily for gut health – the foundation of healing

Important for proper functioning of joints and tendons.  Maintain and strengthens heart muscle

PS – phosphatidylersine
Brain neurotransmitter (phospholipid) Egg yolks, liver, wheat germ and peanuts contain the phospholipid lecithin. Your body can only synthesize lecithin if you have sufficient choline in your diet, however. You can also find phospholipids in milk and lightly cooked meats. Most fats, oils and fat-containing foods contain phospholipids as well.
Purple Antioxidants
Contains Anthocyanins, which are among the most effective free-radical neutralizers found in nature.

50x more powerful than E; 20x more potent than C in terms of antioxidants.  Extracted from maritime pine bark or grape seeds. 

Bioflavonoid protects capillary walls.  Anti-inflammatory
Apples, Nuts
Reishi mushroom
Spirit Plant.  Immortality.  Kills viruses, antibacterial, anti-fungal.  Increases interleukins, fights off colds and inflammation.  Fights cancers, lowers cholesterol.  Protects from radiation exposure.  Effective as steroids for inflammation

It is thought to strengthen the nervous system, fight depression, enhance immunity, elevate the capacity for exercise, enhance memory, aid weight reduction and improve energy levels. It has long been known as a potent adaptogen. Used to relieve stress, anxiety and depression

Relaxant.  Memory booster.  Detoxification enzymes.  Extract is named carnosol.

Royal Jelly
Food for the queen bee.  Stamina, energy, antibiotic, fights infections, etc….

Protects from free radicals.  Strengthens immune system.  Prevent cataracts.  Said to be 200 to 500x more potent than vitamin E
Nuts.  Brazil nut has 80 mg. Shrimp, meat, eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, lentils, peas, carrots, potatoes
Stores glucose in the liver and muscles.  Strengthens immune system. Synthesizes fatty acid sheath around nerve fibers.
Eggs, meat, fish, cheese
Tryptophan increases and modifies it.  Manganese stress
5-HTP, St. Johns wort, chicken, turkey

Shitake mushroom
Contains beta glucans, all essential aminos and trace minerals.  Fights cancer. Protects body during chemo and radiation.  Ramps up activated B cells and antibodies.  Boosts immunity.  Kills 85% bacteria. Kills bad intestinal flora, protects the liver, reduces heart inflammation.  Rinse with it for periodontal disease,  Contains lentinan which is an anti-cancer drug.Lentinan triggers T cell production
Can be eaten in culinary dishes
Sodium Alginate
Chelates heavy metal.  Lowers serum cholesterol and blood pressure.  See also Alginic acid.  But it is very high in sodium.  Extract of brown seaweed.  Used in processed foods.  Probably best to balance with potassium….

St. Johns Wort; 5-HTP
Lowers blood sugar.  Helps decrease stress and anxiety

Sulfur, organic
DMSO2 and MSN.  Increases protein increases sulfates which increase excretion of calcium

Sweet Grass
Bug Repellant

Amino acid.  Produced in body from cysteine and B-6. Taurine and sulfur control many biochemical changes that take place in aging.  Clears body of free radical wastes.
Fish and meat.
Thyme Leaf
Contains Alpha-linolenic acid, anethole, apigenin, borneol, caffeic acid, calcium, chromium, eugenol, ferulic acid, geraniol, kaempferol, limonene, lithium, luteolin, magnesium, manganese, methionine, p-coumaric acid, potassium, rosmarinic acid, selenium, thymol, tryptophan, ursolic acid.

Lowers homocysteine levels naturally lowering heart and vascular disease risk.  Derivative of the common amino acid glycine. Alternative to SAMe

Tocopherols (Vit E)
Potent antioxidant.  Chelates heavy metals.  Prevents buildup of LDL cholesterol in arterial wall.  Helps heart muscle use oxygen more efficiently.  Keeps platelets from sticking.

Turmeric (curcuma longa)
Member of ginger family.  Inhibits production of inflammation related enzyme COX-2 plus much much more. 

Anti infection agents.  Protect heart arteries from inflammation

Transmits nerve impulses to brain.  Helps overcome depression.  Promotes healthy functioning of the thyroid, adrena and pituitary glands

Cellular metabolic processes.  Regulates blood sugar levels

Wheat Grass
Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly oxygenated environment.

Yeast and Gluten
Clog immune system and endocrine/hormone receptor sites leading to autoimmune.  The body diverts these toxins into muscles and joints in order to protect the organs.  Yeast overgrowth can ferment into alcohol (acetylhyde) and mycotoxins. 
Note:  cattle that are fed antibiotics have poor gut health and put on weight quickly.
Powerful antioxidant
Dark leafy greens.  Dark purple antioxidants
10 mg.  Key to brain repair by reducing amyloid levels and inflammation.  Also taken for colds
Shellfish, wheat germ, veal liver, pork, chicken, beef, pumpkin and squash seeds, dark chocolate, peanuts, lamb, cashews, almonds, peas, beans, seed
Zinc Carnosine
For Gastic Ulcers.  See Carnosine for eye health

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