Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Big Pharma Introduction

Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, 
to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing. 
~Voltaire (French writer 1694-1778)

“Sell the problem, not the solution.”   
Three decades ago, the head of Merck pharmaceutical company 
dreamed of the day when the definition of disease would be so broad 
that his company could ‘sell to everyone,’ like chewing gum.” 
~ Jonathan Rowe, the Christian Science Monitor

“Cure nothing, treat everything, and you have a customer for life.”

Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work. ~ Albert Einstein

Modern medicine treats symptoms rather than the root cause of disease

Big Pharma is the nickname given to the pharmaceutical industry and its trade and lobbying group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America – PhRMA.

Big Pharma is the driving force in our medical infrastructure.  It has undue influence on medical schools where doctors learn to prescribe their products.  It researches and develops numerous medications that focus on one or two symptoms without considering their total effect on the human body.  Big Pharma utilizes any and all marketing strategies available including direct-to-consumer-advertising (DTCA).  It has no interest on educating people how to take control of their own health and will fight the holistic health movement whenever possible.  Big Pharma uses its media and government connections to push its drugs.

Over 1,000,000 people die prematurely per year due to modern medicine.  The 11 largest pharmaceutical companies combined made a net profit of $711.4 Billion Dollars from 2003 - 2012. According to IMS Health, a worldwide leader in healthcare research, the global market for pharmaceuticals is expected to top $1 trillion in sales by 2015.

From 1998 to 2013, the industry has given over $150 million in campaign contributions and spent $2.7 billion on lobbying expenses.  Billions more are invested in marketing drugs on TV, the radio, media and via sales reps that target physicians directly.  For example – and this is just one example - Boehringer Ingelheim spent $464 million advertising its blood thinner Pradaxa in 2011. The following year, the drug passed the $1 billion sales mark. It takes money to make money and Big Pharma has Big Bucks.

Those billions of dollars built a golden revolving door between the FDA, NIH and Big Pharma.  Drugs developed by public funding are priced higher than those developed without public funding. NIH officials take an active part in the pricing of drugs.  By law, publicly financed drug products are given to Big Pharma for free. Why else would politicians establish laws that allow Big Pharma to plunder publicly financed drug products? 

The pharmaceutical industry also receives government assistance to ensure commercial success of drugs.  Drug companies justify the high prices of their drugs claiming they invest large sums in R&D (research and development.)   In reality, R&D is a small part of a large drug company’s budget and much more money is funneled into advertising and promotion.  The actual cost of making drugs is pennies compared to the hundreds of dollars charged.  CEOs of large drug companies make millions of dollars in salaries and millions more in stock options each year.

The Bayl-Dole Act of 1980 created the Reagan-Udall Foundation within the FDA. The Foundation put the FDA in charge of drug design, drug patents, drug licenses and the creation of new marketing entities/companies. Money, not drug safety is the priority.  The current commissioner is basically a sales rep with massive industry connections.  The Commissioner can also decide what dietary supplement companies they want to investigate or even shut down and no basis in law is needed.

The FDA collected license fees totaling over $2 billion dollars.  This helps fund CEDR’s operating budget - (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research).  (The total fiscal year 2015 President’s Budget Request for the FDA is $4.74 billion)

FDA employees are being paid by the drug industry. The FDA is working for an industry that it is supposed to be closely monitoring. Does anyone see the problem?

The Big Pharma Medical System
If a drug patent is about to expire, the companies only need to change one molecule to get another twenty years of patent rights.  Why spend money on a new and possibly better drug?  Just name it something slightly different like weekly “name of drug” rather than daily “name of drug.” 

Drugs are often prescribed “off label” to treat conditions and diseases they were not originally created for.  Though this is perfectly legal, it may not be entirely ethical, and there are pages full of lawsuits about serious problems that can occur in prescribing “off label” drugs.

Big Pharma runs the website  A search for health topics via Google will usually bring up this site in the top results.  Obviously, it promotes the conventional medicine way of treating disease.  Do not rely solely on their opinions.

Costly regulations in the form of expensive fees and licenses are imposed on supplement companies.  More and more of them go bankrupt.  Drug companies buy them up and are working hard to monopolize the synthetic vitamin industry.  This is done under the guise of protecting Americans from unsafe alternative medicine.  Saying the playing field between conventional and natural medicine is not level would be the understatement of the year.

Big Pharma owns Nature's Bounty, Vitamin World, Puritan's Pride and Sundown, Centrum, One-a-Day and New Chapter.  These are a few of the brand names you may recognize.  Big Pharma can also invest the stocks of supplement companies they do not own but in which they will have input.  The Carlyle Group, a private-equity giant, owns NBTY - formerly Nature's Bounty. Hedge funds are trading on industry players like the Vitamin Shoppe. (Click here are a few more corporate-owned supplement companies)

Nutritional counseling is generally not listed on insurance billing codes but there are a few exceptions.  Medical codes are the only means by which doctors can be paid and patients can be reimbursed by their insurance companies for a doctor’s visit.

Medical workups can cost thousands of dollars.  How many diagnoses never take into consideration poor diet and lifestyle? One teenager, diagnosed with IBS, had a diet which consisted of mostly sugar, fried foods and ice cream.  Duh!  Add smoking, alcohol a sedentary lifestyle to the mix and you have a sure recipe for disease and sickness.

The American Medical Association owns most U.S. health insurance billing codes and the AMA is not prepared to release their monopoly on insurance reimbursement.  Conventional Big Pharma medicine’s ‘standard of care’ - will be ‘legally’ enforced with vaccines, medications and annual health exams, including mental health exams. Since the government will control your health insurance, if you don’t comply, your insurance could be revoked.  Modern medicine would like nothing better than to have a monopoly on the treatment of health and disease.

Under our current system, health insurance will not cover preventive health measures like vitamin and mineral testing, diet and detox advice, massages, acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, or nutritional prescriptions.

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT codes).
CPT codes, established in 1966 by the AMA reap hefty annual licensing fees.  Each time a CPT code is used, the AMA gets paid.  Coded medical transactions are also tracked for statistics.  Doctors and medical providers must code a patients care in such a way that insurance companies will not deny them payment or deny the patient’s coverage.  This makes for an inexact system to say the least.   It should be noted that the state medical code systems were abolished in 2003.  This cost many states’ Medicaid programs millions of dollars. 

ABC Coding Solutions has developed ABC Codes that describe services, remedies, and equipment items used by all healthcare practitioners, not just medical doctors. And they include codes for most aspects of alternative medicine as well including homeopathic remedies.   As you can imagine, the AMA  will work to shut down this system.  (see the link for more information about the AMA, CPT and ABC code controversy.)

Further Reading

This book is a must read for anyone interested in Big Pharma.  It is also full of natural health advice. This article briefly touched on just a few of the topics covered.

The author writes:
“The book is only one of dozens of print books and over one hundred Kindle books that I’ve written. The others all convey positive messages, but in Death by Modern Medicine, I must state what’s really happening in our world so you can be informed, determined and detached. Determined to take responsibility for your own health and detached from thinking you have to fix what’s going on to the point that you make yourself ill. Death by Modern Medicine goes far beyond the statistics of deaths due to drugs. It shows how the allopathic medical monopoly has created a health care system that fails to encourage good health, especially by prevention. Death by Modern Medicine documents the tales of propaganda, health care bureaucracy and the focus on profits instead of healing. It shows, statistically, that the number one killer in North America is, in fact, the allopathic medical industry. I’ve added two new chapters. They cover “Death by Character Assassination” and “The Future of Thought” rounding out the other 13 chapters from the previous editions. All the chapters have been updated and edited. Death by Modern Medicine has been referenced by thousands of people around the world."

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