Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Big Pharma Medical Education

Old News but Relevant
The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003

Most pharmacies, insurance companies and hospitals can negotiate for how much they will pay for drugs.  The prices charged to consumers reflect how much their profit margins on these drugs will be.  The MPDIMA made it illegal for Medicare to negotiate the price of drugs.  Those who may need the drugs the most are charged the most.

And these patients are being charged over inflated prices for drugs that they might be able to eliminate entirely if they adhered to proper holistic health!  It is never too late to take responsibility for your own health.  However, it is choice and sadly, many people would rather take a pill than eat a salad.  Because of the barrage of media propaganda, people believe pharmaceuticals are the only answer to their health problems.  The majority of doctors will not tell them any differently – their livelihoods depend on treating patients, prescribing drugs and adhering to industry guidelines.

Corporate Drug Pushers
Big Pharma invests big money in promoting their drugs.  This promotion is not just in the form of magazine and medical journal ads or in television advertisements.  They literally pay for and skew research, drug trials and clinical studies to make their drug look good.  The sooner the drug is on the market, the sooner they can reap the profits.

Drug companies also spend mega bucks on “education” of the medical establishment.  Big pharma has a government sanctioned, highly beneficial conflict of interest that they exploit to their maximum profit.  

Most states require doctors to receive continuing medical education (CME) throughout their professional lives to maintain their licenses.  They earn credits by attending meetings and lectures.  The Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) is responsible for approving organizations that provide educational programs.  These include medical schools, hospitals and various professional societies.

Here’s the catch.  Who pays for the doctor’s attendance to continuing education?  Not the doctors.  Pharma once directly supported the accredited professional organizations but now they usually contract with private medical education and communication companies (MECCs).  These contracted companies plan the meetings, prepare teaching materials and hire speakers.  The MECCS are often ACCME accredited – even though they are business hired by big pharma – even though there is an obvious conflict of interest.

The education and instruction provided by MECCs is anything but impartial.  Obviously, doctors are “educated” on the great benefits of whatever drug big pharma is promoting.  There is a Task Force on Industry Professional Collaboration in Continuing Medical Education that was created to guide the ACCME on conflict of interest policies.  Guess what?  Half the members of the task for are representatives of educational institutions and professional organizations BUT the other members are from the pharmaceutical industry or the MECCs.  You can be sure that big pharma representatives have infiltrated the other two groups as well.

Furthermore, unrestricted educational grants are commonly made to medical teaching schools and hospitals.  They go along with the MECCs in order to receive this much needed financial support.  Big pharma provides information to doctors and the doctors provide information back to them.
Even certain professional societies like the American College of Cardiology and the American Society of Hematology are partly supported by drug companies.  This is where the indoctrination process of our physicians occurs.  Go to the website of any pharmaceutical company and you can find information on applying for their “medical education” grants.

Doctors who go along with the program are invited to expensive dinners or trips to luxurious settings to act as “consultants” or “advisers.”   Many receive further training to serve on speaker’s bureaus and become big pharma shills.  Get paid thousands of dollars for little talk, then play some golf or enjoy some skiing on your trip  – what could be easier?.   All this and more is “legal” under the education exemption.

Off Label Uses of drug
Though it is illegal for drug companies to market drugs for unapproved uses, doctors may prescribe the drugs for them.  Under the guise of “education”, drug companies inform doctors about other potential uses of a drug.  This education is backed by references to unscientific research which they sponsor (i.e. pay for). 

It is also illegal for big pharma to offer kickbacks to doctors to prescribe drugs.  In the past lavish gifts were given to doctors for pushing certain tests and pills.  This practice is now under greater scrutiny, but the ever clever pharma corps now take full advantage for the law’s exception for educational and research activities.  They can also get away with almost unlimited gifts to promote sales under this exception.
Medical education Big Pharma style is little better than no health education at all. 

References and Further Reading

Investigation of certain allegations related to voting on the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003.  September 30, 2004.  108th Congress – 2nd Session.  House of Representatives.  Committee on Standards of Official Conduct.

The Truth about the Drug Companies.  Marketing Masquerading as Education. Marcia Angell, M.D.  pp 135-154

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